Three letters.

So simple, but so significant. 

What makes this acronym so valuable?

Marathon - a long-lasting or difficult task or operation of a specified kind:

Marathon makes you think of endurance. Striving for excellence. Working to achieve a great feat or goal in life. Developing great habits and discipline are the building blocks of completing a marathon. What can we compare to this important concept?

LIFE in general can be viewed as a marathon. It's a long ever-changing journey that you really have to prepare for daily and be able to adapt to changes on the fly. We love a good story and to watch the underdog go after big goals. David and Goliath is a great example. 

Marathons require much training and doing the same thing over and over. Sounds simple enough. I once heard that you have to turn over every stone and try everything in your power to better your life. You will eventually figure out what works for you. 


We all know the story of the gold miners who stopped digging for GOLD 2 feet before they found the gold. The next crew came in and eventually found the gold. They in turn completed the MARATHON. It's not easy to say on the path less traveled. 

Things that are worth having never easy. 


Historical Context

Origin and usage

The word marathon comes from a Greek legend that tells the story of Pheidippides, who ran from the Plains of Marathon all the way to Athens in 490 BCE to spread the news of the Greeks’ victory over the Persian army. The running race based on the story was first introduced at the Olympic Games in 1896.


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