
 For many years I have always used writing as a form of expression and escape from the harsh reality of daily life. I used to journal daily and write about what happened to me on my journey in life. I remember being so afraid to share what I would write. I held my daily journal in high regard and had a lot of reverence for my writing and how it allowed me to escape. It just seemed natural to convert my writing into music or lyrics that would help express my thoughts and innermost feelings. 



Writing has always been a natural thing. I think we all have a natural need to express our thoughts and feelings through whatever medium we see fit. How we go about expressing our thoughts makes us individuals on a personal level. And I'm also aware that many people think the same thoughts, but it sometimes takes a brave soul to speak for the many who don't have the courage to tell their own story. 

"The world is nothing without people. People dictate the world that we live in"- The Vision

I often wonder how i can make a lasting impact om the world. I have floated around podcast, journaling, music, and just any form of artistic expression. There is a good chance that nobody will ever read this. It seems that the best way to connect and really touch the world is being open, honest, and willing to share failures. People need to see themselves in you and feel they can relate and find some inspiration to keep going in life. Life has a strange way of working itself out. We can't explain it, but one action or person can change you in ways that you never imagined. 

"I want my character as a man to be my legacy, not that I was a Professional NBA Player"- Bill Russell


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