When Ambition & Reality Don't Match

 Have you ever thought to yourself, I'm ambitious and motivated. Driven, even obsessive in nature. 


 So why doesn't my ambition and aspirations match my current reality. 

This is something I'm sure many people, including myself tend to wonder at times in life. I want to be as personal and relatable as possible when conveying thoughts to the world. I'm sure we all have seen a cool magazine, newspaper, or some form of print media before and just thought that the articles do not relate to the everyday human experience. 

There is a key quality we need to have, but it seems difficult to practice consistently. What do you think this quality is? You guessed it. PATIENCE. 

We all want what we can't have. It's the GRASS is GRENNER on the OTHER side DILEMMA.

So what do you think sets apart the people who figure it out and the people who remain on the other side of the equation? The main adjective that comes to mind would be discipline and being willing to sacrifice having FUN right now to have a great, STRESS-FREE life in the near or distant future.

It's not easy to wake up every day and work out. It's not easy to save money and remain disciplined. It's not fun to sacrifice fun and vacations in the PRESENT with friends and family. It hurts because we are all social in nature. The real motivation should be your WHY! Sometimes we need to be reminded why the mission is so important.

" Consistency requires a long-term commitment from you and involves sustained effort in doing actions repeatedly until you achieve your goals.

Consistency in your efforts leads to self-discipline, teaches you self-control, improves your overall personality, and builds momentum. “When you are consistent, you have a sense of #accountability and direction that translates to progress,” - Shreya Mehta

Source: (33) 5 Reasons Why Consistency is an Important Habit | LinkedIn


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