Your Best Ability Is Availability Have you ever heard the saying “ your best ability is availability” ? It is a phrase that is often used in sports, especially football, to emphasize the importance of being ready and able to play when your team needs you. It means that no matter how talented or skilled you are, if you are not available to perform, you are not valuable to your team. But this saying is not only applicable to sports. It can also apply to other areas of life, such as work, relationships, and personal growth. Being available means being present, reliable, and accountable. It means showing up when you say you will, doing what you say you will do, and being open to new opportunities and challenges. It means being willing to learn, grow, and contribute. The Benefits of Being Available You can build trust and respect with others. When you are available, you demonstrate that you care about others and their needs. You also show that you are dependable and responsibl...